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As in our household thee catholic faith is parte of our lyfes as Jack and Christopher and my husband wyth their trusty swords and say thee passion of Christ.

March 30, 2021

Before my husband yawns and we all fall asleep he recites our prayers before bed thee lords prayer as he says lyke cleandiness in body and thee home is next to Godliness as we speak how we did back in 1604 we use thee olde English language and here’s it is .thee lords prayer.Eala Ute pe heofonum eart .a at pin ecelice genletsod &oun ricedom ofer us rixie symble &pin Willa gewyro sea sea on heofonum eac sea on eoroan Geunn us us to .pissum daege dseg hwamlices Fostess and us gemildsa pamoe wio us agyltap &me laet.ou cistnian Ealles to swyoe alys Fram yfele amen it’s strange how we can all remember thee lords prayer but what’s does it trainsgener in thee 21st century text .London our Farther that in thee heavens are .ever be your name eternity blessed and you’re kingdom over us rule always and you wyll come to pass as in thee heavens so too earth grant us thus to be merciful and to as we show mercy to them whych are gainst us are gulity and not let you us be tempted entirely to strongly but free from evil

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