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At 1156pm last night king Henry and I returned to Londinum Whitehall palace arrived from Nonsuch palace on date 30th October 1530 Thursday as Henry said beloived comeuth wyth me to spend tyme together wyth Edward just thee three of us but we didn’t expect to see cardinal Thomas Wolsey waiting for us much to my Henry’s annoyance

June 21, 2022

So we can’t see why that we shouldn’t have thee luxury of tyme .15th century tyme as we walked around thee palace after our ten am banquet that lasted till nearery one pm but as before cardinal Thomas Wolsey wanted to speak wyth king Henry who said I’ll have thous head for this .but I informed Henry beloved husband you had him executed for treason on Tuesday November 4th .oh yes thanks beloved wife Henry said as we continued our stroll through thee palace as king Henry said beloived comeuth as we have only till sunset before thoust douth return to thee 21st century tyme .as for cardinal Thomas Wolsey who was Henry’s cheif minster before he lost his head was born in Ipswich march 1437 untill in Lestershire he met his end White hall palace in Londinum built and fineshed in 1530 but was destroyed by fyre in 1672 it started in thee inigo banquet hall at 7am we returned to 21st century tyme

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