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and now its time to talk about oh dear gay dateing sites feb 2013

March 6, 2013


well what can one say ive never been one to disscriminate against any one as i have allways beleved in a broad church approche to any body at the end of the day were all some somes doughter or son and i thought that sice it didnt work out with the men i once knew i thought it was time to try to have a ballance of people mind you my realationship with any gay men as to say it mildly has been frought to say the least so i thought in for a penny and in  for a pound so i went on a leather site i thought oh them leather bikers but sadly oh dear such biggerorty and down right dissreapect and rudeness has put me off them for life as they made it plain in no surcumstances how they felt about me beeing on there site and promtley got me banned as they conspired to gher and because of this i  had a low oppinion of most of them in the first plase but if thats there attutued they no what they can do need i say more

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